Select the drop-down menu “Setup” then “Documents” from the main screen of Probill to view the document editor. Here you are able to create, edit, view and remove documents as you wish.
Using Keywords | Select the Insert Keyword option in the document generator to insert generic fields for Probill to pull from the customer information screen. When viewing, printing or emailing a document from the Documents portion of the Customer Information File, keywords like [BillingContact] & [CustomerNumber] will fill in automatically.
Available Documents vs Documents in Use | The Available Documents box displays all docs available for use in Probill. To add it to the Documents in Use box, highlight the name and select the Use Doc button. Now the document is ready for use in the customer information file. Alternatively, select Remove Doc to move it back to the Available Documents box.
Comment Form Templates | Create templates and generate them in a customer’s Comments section to save as part of their file.