Adding Online Bill Pay To Your Website – PaySimple

Before you can add online bill pay to your website you must contact PaySimple for a username and password to their gateway. Once you have received your username and password you can log into PaySimple’s gateway by going to:

Next select “Add New Payment Form”.

Naming Your Form:

  1. Create a name for your payment form so you can find it later. In this example we will use “Test Form 1”
  2. Select a user from the drop down menu
  3. If you would like you can also add a description for this payment form for your reference.

Payment Options:

  1. Select which ways you would like to allow your customers to pay. For our purposes we would like our customer’s to be able to pay via ACH (electronic bank draft) and Credit Card (including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover).
  2. Next choose whether you would like a field for your customer to enter in their Invoice # to appear on your payment form. We’ll select “Display”.
  3. Select “None” under Recurring Billing Schedule
  4. If you choose you can enter “Terms and Conditions” to appear on your payment form by adding them in this field.
  5. Under “Payment Amounts” you can allow your user to enter in a specific amount or you can add preset amounts your customer can choose from. We’ll let our user enter in their own amount.

Template Fields:

  1. By default, fields for your customer’s name and billing address will always appear on your payment form. By checking “Yes” in this box you can choose to add fields for your customer to enter in a shipping address. If you are not shipping anything to your customers select “No”.

Form Customization:

    • Text: Blue
    • Title: Red
    • Subtitle: Yellow
    • Button: Green
  1. Enter your page title – we chose: “Our Payment Form Test”
  2. Upload your logo in either jpg, png, or gif formats – we uploaded probill_logo.jpg and then selected “Upload”
  3. Enter text for a button to return to your webpage – we chose: “Return to Website”
  4. Enter the URL of which page you’d like the customer to return to – we chose this page:
  5. Enter text for your payment button – we chose “Pay Now!”
  6. Choose a font for your payment form – we chose Arial the default setting
  7. Choose the colors you’d like for your payment form – We are going to make our page colorful so that you can see where each color selection will end up on the form.

Contact Information:

  1. Here you should enter your company information to appear on your payment form. By selecting “Use Account Information” those fields will be automatically filled in based on the account information PaySimple has on file for your company. Otherwise you can fill in this form as you like.

Adding the Form to Your Website:

After saving your template, you’ll be brought back to the “Web Payment Forms” page. Next to the form name you chose, you’ll see the URL for your payments form. Under actions you can choose to “Preview Payment Form”, “Edit”, or “Delete” the form. You will want to preview your form and then you can edit it if necessary from this screen. Once the payment form is the way you would like it, highlight the URL you are given, right click, and select “Copy”.

In your website’s code you will want to choose where you’d like to insert this payment option and paste in your URL.
For example you could add:

Click Here To Pay Your Bill

Adding this HTML code to you page would look like this except with your specific URL:
<a href=”“>Click here to pay your bill</a>

Check For Your Transactions:

That’s all it takes to set up Online Bill Pay through PaySimple’s gateway. However, to see the transactions that are being put through on your website, you need to log in to the gateway just like you did to create the payment form. Next, select the “Reports” button from the menu on the left hand side. Under standard reports select “Web Payment Form Transactions”. At the top you can choose a different date range for the report to display. By default it is set to “Last 90 days”. You will need to enter your settled transactions into Probill, as though they were physical checks, using the approval code from PaySimple, as the Reference.

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